Kipor Gs2016 Service Manual
Th is m an u al co v er s t h e co n st r u ct io n, fu n ct io n an d se r v ic in g p r oc ed u r e of t h e Kip or KDE5000E and KDE5000TA Coast Distribution model generators. This manual is principally concerned with the generator specifications, function, troubleshooting and repair.
See the owner’s manual for the preventive maintenance schedule and instructions. Th er e is a se p ar at e m an u al t o co v e r ov er h au l, r ep ai r an d t r ou b le sh oo t in g o f t h e KM1 8 6 FA diesel eng ine. Careful observance of the instructions contained in this manual will result in safe and quality service work.
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All information, illustrations, directions and specifications included in this publication are based on the latest product information available at the time of approval for printing. KI P OR P OWE R C O., LT D, reserves t he righ t to m ake chang es wit hout incurrin g any obligation whatever. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission. Specifications and Data 1.1 Specificat ions.4 1.2 KDE 500 0E wir ing diag ram.5 1.3 KD E 5000 TA wiring diagram.
6 1.4 C om pon ent I den t ificat ion- KDE 500 0E.7 1.5 C om ponent Identificat ion- KD E 500 0TA. 8 1.6 C ont rol P ane l- KDE 500 0E.9 1.7 Cont rol P ane l- K DE 500 0TA.9 1.8 KDE 50 00T A Digit al Display P ane l.10 1.9 S erial num ber and bar code location.11 2. S erv ice Infor m at ion.12 2.1 The im port ance of prope r servicing. 12 2.2 Important safety precautions.12 2.3 S erv ice rules.12 2.4 E lect rical preca ut ions.13 2.5 Generator Service Standards.14 2.6 F astener s and tor que values.15 2.7 Digital panel prot ection values. 15 2.8 Troub leshoot ing.1 5 3. Generat or Repair.2 3 3.1 Start sw it ch.23 3.2 Voltm et er.24 3.3 C ircuit b rea ker.2 4 3.4 Oil alert.25 3.5 Gener at or.28 4.
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E lect rical Compo nen t Illust rat ions.30 4.1 R ecept acle wirin g.30 4.2 AVR adju stm ent.3 1 4.3 Batt ery charge regu lator.32 4.4 Current transformer.32 4.5 Rotor ch eck ing.3 4 4.6 Stat or te st point s.35 4.7 Main stator winding check.36 4.8 St ator secondary and sampling wind ing ch eck.37 4.9 C har ge wind ing check.38 4.10 C arb on br ush chec k.3 8 5. K DE 50 00T A display p anel.39.