Study Guide For Med Surg

Exam Preparation. MSNCB, along with. To study and wants to gauge her or his knowledge before investing money in other study guides. Medical-Surgical Nursing.

  1. Study Guide For Med Surg Nursing Pdf
  2. Study Guide For Med-surg Certification

Decrease activity tolerance. Recommend rehab programs, exercise, and nutrition Cardiovascular Disease: HESI HINTS 1. Decreased cardiac output & dysrhythmias: syncope, falls, and TIAs 2. Respiratory A.

Lungs are less elastic, which makes it more difficult to breathe B. Cough is not as efficient C. They are more likely to develop chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and pneumonia due to less efficient cough 3. Decreased enzymes-decreased efficiency of digestive process B.

Decreased intestinal motility C. Laxative abuse D. Decrease in fluid intake and mobility 4. Urinary output is the first sign of loss of renal integrity B. Lower specific gravity 30 E. DM: fatigue, infection, sensation F.

Decreased GFR. Kegel exercises: tightening and relaxing the vaginal and urinary meatus to prevent incontinence 5. Neurologic A. Delay in reflex responses 6. LOC, sensory, & mental 7.

Decreased metabolism, aldosterone secretion, urinary output, and glucose intolerance B. Hypothyroidism can lead to depression C. Thyroid dysfunction and diabetes are most common 8. Musculoskeletal A. Decreased lean body mass and increased muscle fat 9. Hearing of high-pitches diminishes first B. Presbycusis-decreased hearing acuity I.

Decreased socialization II. Avoidance of friends and family Iii.

Decreased sensory stimulation IV. Hazardous conditions while driving 10.

Study Guide For Med Surg Nursing Pdf

Study guide for med surg nursing final

Pseudodementia A. Barbituates, lithium, atropine, bromides B. Nutrition deficiency C. Depression D. Metabolic disorders, hypothyroidism, anemia, and hypoglycemia E.


Speak in calm voice and avoid excitement. Peripheral Vascular Disease A. Arteriosclerosis & Atherosclerosis II. Raynaud, Buerger, and Diabetes diseases III. Smooth, shiny skin with loss of hair IV.

Thickened nails V. Pale when elevated, rubor when dependent VI. Decreased or absent pulses (impaired perfusion) VII. Sharp pain; intermittent claudicateion VIII. Necrotic ulcers on lateral lower legs, toes, and heels IX. Cool temperature (reduced blood supply) X. Pain is relieved when dependent XI.

Numbness and tingling (impaired perfusion) Ai I. Anti-platelets to thin blood) ii. Anti-hypertensives iii. Anti-coagulants iv. DVT and valvular disorders II. Varicose veins III. Venous stasis ulcers iv.

Study Guide For Med-surg Certification

Brown pigment around ankles v. Cyanotic when dependent vi. Normal pulses vii. Ulcers on medial legs and ankles viii. Marked edema ix. Elevate extremities for relief x.

Warm temperature C. Avoid crossing legs and wearing constrictive clothing D. Keep legs dependent if arterial, and elevated if venous E. Compression dressing for venous 2.

Abdominal and back pain (pressure on lumbar nerves) B.