Destined To Reign Study Guide

This is not to say there were not some theological issues I was concerned with. Prince makes the same mistake thousands before him have made: They come up with some kind of theological system they are comfortable with (he is a “once saved always saved” classical dispensationalist) and then deductively read every passage of Scripture with their biased lens, resulting in forcing the Scriptures to fit their interpretation. Many people make the mistake of wanting to fit God into a concise theological box, resulting in blanket statements that are not always easily proven or true. What is probably happening with Prince is what happens with many popular preachers who start trends. Other preachers read their stuff and take it to an extreme, teaching things the founder never intended. I do not get the impression Princebelieves in cheap grace or that a person who really understands Prince's heart and teaching will dive into sin—but there are certain places where it is easy for the theologically untrained to take his teaching too far and preach a cheap grace or hypergrace message. Prince makes it clear he hates sin and also preaches from the Old Testament to exalt Christ.

  1. Destined To Reign
  2. Destined To Reign By Joseph Prince

See all books authored by Joseph Prince, including Destined to Reign. Grace Revolution Study Guide: Experience the Power to Live Above Defeat. Joseph Prince. Apr 4, 2017 - His key book is entitled Destined to Reign: The secret to effortless. He fails to see that commands and laws help guide us away from sin.

For example, he says it is not necessary to confess our sins and that Paul’s epistles never give an example of a believer confessing sin. He says this because he believes all of our sins, both past and future, have already been forgiven (something I agree with in principle) and that we should just be honest with God and speak to Him about our failures.

ButPrince says this is not the same as confession of sin for forgiveness. I say this is a merely a cute play on words because speaking to God about our sins is going to lead to confession anyway. The challenge I have with this teaching is that in 1 John 1:9, John teaches us to confess our sins.

Although Princeacknowledges that this passage refutes his teaching on radical grace, he tries to get around it by saying this passage was written to the gnostics in the church—something he states without citing any commentaries, sources or historical evidence. I counter that the context of 1 John shows that John was writing to believers. He calls them his “dear children” in 1 John 2:1 (NIV). Also, remember that originally the book had no chapters or verses; thus, the 'children' in 1 John 2:1 are connected to the first chapter of the book. Furthermore, if 1 John 1:9 was written to unbelievers, why would John tell them to confess their sins? Its impossible for an unbeliever to recount and confess all the sins they ever committed. When I came to Christ, I did not confess each and every individual sin of my past 19 years.

I just surrendered my heart to Christ and asked Him to forgive me for being a sinner. When a person comes to Christ, they are not commanded to confess their sins but to receive Jesus as Lord (Rom.

10:9-10; Acts 16:31). Only a Christian can remember and confess individual sins as they are committed. Prince says there is no room for preaching the law of God in the church and that God only blesses the message of grace. However, church history does not back this up.

Charles Finney was perhaps the greatest evangelist in American history, and he would regularly preach the moral law of God to get people convicted and then use the gospel to get them saved and consecrated. He preached the law of God to both saint and sinner. You can also throw Jonathan Edwards into the mix as a powerful preacher who used the law of God in his messages. Prince would probably say these men preached a mixture of law and grace.

However, the fruit of their ministries shows that their work and message was greatly blessed of God and had historic results. I personally teach regularly on the law of God in the church with great effect and fruit. Prince would probably say I preach a mixture of law and grace—but if I stand in the company of Finney and Edwards, who used the moral law as a standard to convict sin, I will take Prince's criticism with a smile! I believe the moral law is still needed, or else there would be no conviction of sin and our standard of righteousness would collapse down to the ethos of the surrounding culture. Furthermore, the moral law was repeated in the New Testament, even by Paul in Ephesians 4-6, when he told the church not to steal, not to be angry, not to covet, not to commit sexual immorality, not to be idolaters and to honor their fathers and mothers. Furthermore, all the New Testament writers repeatedly used the Ten Commandments as the standard of holiness for the church because it reflects the nature and character of God. Prince brings out the fact that Paul calls the Ten Commandments the 'ministration of death' in 2 Corinthians 3:7 (KJV). However, I would counter that in spite of this, Paul and the other New Testament writers continually used the Ten Commandments as the standard of ethics for the church.

Destined To Reign

The ministration of death has to do with the fact that without Christ, we are all guilty before God—a point we all agree with. Galatians 3:24 calls the law our schoolmaster that leads us to Christ; thus, it is a standard of holiness that brings conviction and leads us to depend on the grace of Christ to fulfill it. Romans 8:4 clearly teaches us the Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill the righteous requirements of the law; thus, it’s standards are still a requirement for functional holiness.

Furthermore, the strength of sin is the law (1 Cor. 15:56). I am more comfortable with the Reformed understanding of salvation, which teaches people can experience the fruits of salvation while never being chosen from 'the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1:4), in which case they will not remain in the body of Christ because they were never a part of it to begin with. (First John 2:19 seems to teach the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints.) This is the only position I have found sufficient to effectively deal with the conundrum of Scripture that seems to teach both eternal security and that a believer can fall away. I take the position of the apostle Peter: I may think I am saved, but I have to endeavor to make my calling and election sure (2 Pet. 1:10). Prince says God does not get angry with Christians.

But what about the admonition in Ephesians 4 to not grieve the Holy Spirit? (In Ephesians 4:30, grieve means 'to cause great sorrow and distress,' which is akin to causing anger). Even stronger is Paul’s warning in Ephesians 5:6 against living an immoral life that brings God’s wrath on the disobedient.

The clear context here, for those who are disobedient, is that this is written to the church of Ephesus; thus, God can have wrath toward Christians. Finally, what does Prince do about Jesus' words to the seven churches in Asia Minor in Revelation 2-3? In these letters, Jesus not only punishes but also threatens to remove whole churches from their cities unless they repent (Rev. In Revelation 2:16, Jesus tells the church of Pergamum to repent or else He will come and fight against some in their church.

In Revelation 2:22-23, Jesus tells those who are under the influence of Jezebel that He will kill them unless they repent. Finally, Jesus tells the church of Laodicea that He is about to vomit them out of His mouth (Rev. 3:15-16), Strong words, indeed, that do not nicely fit into the theology of Joseph Prince. Furthermore, in Matthew 11:20-24, Jesus speaks about corporate judgment coming upon cities and towns because they rejected Him. Obviously it is difficult to subjectively prove post-biblically if God has judged nations and empires after the cross, since God often uses the militaries of other nations, natural disasters and their own foolishness to lay low people and nations. Furthermore, God judged the nation of the Jews and Jerusalem for rejecting Christ in A.D. 70, when the Roman armies sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Jewish temple, as Jesus predicted would happen within one generation (Matt.

24:34; Luke 21:20) even though this was almost 40 years after His resurrection. Perhaps one of the biggest flaws in Prince's radical grace doctrine is that his dispensational belief doesn’t allow him to connect the gospel to the cultural commission of Genesis 1:28. Believers who embrace the original cultural commission God gave humanity through Adam and Eve (and reconfirmed to Noah after the fall in Genesis 9:1-2) realize we need the moral and civic law to understand how to disciple a nation (Matt.

The Ten Commandments were not just individual commands for piety and holiness but were primarily given as a corporate structure to disciple the burgeoning nation of Israel (Ex. First Timothy 1:8-11 alludes to the corporate reality of the law when it says the law wasn’t given to righteous men but for the unrighteous. (There has been only one righteous man on the earth who didn’t need the law to know how to be holy—Jesus!) The fact that Paul deals with slave-trading and kidnapping shows that he was also dealing with systemic sin and not just individual sin in this passage. Although I think Prince’s book has a lot of great insights and was worth the read, I am concerned many will take his writings to an extreme and that his radical grace perspective could lead people to just seek Jesus without obedience to simple and obvious things like being committed to a local church, tithing and walking in love. (Even though Prince pushes church attendance and giving, in principle his theology can make it easy to dismiss these practices.) Prince also seems to be against the spiritual discipline of fasting.

Although I understand his point in this matter, I still believe fasting very important to practice, albeit not for salvation. Not connecting his teaching to the cultural commission in Genesis 1:28 also puts Princeon a faulty foundation and can lead a person to disconnect the gospel from the kingdom of God, thus leading to self-focus and narcissism. (The kingdom message connects redeemed individuals to their corporate responsibility to serve their communities.). Please follow these guidelines before commenting on our website:. Please be considerate and respectful of your fellow posters. If Jesus and your mother would not approve of your writing, you should revise your comment before submitting. Use standard writing style and punctuation.

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Destined To Reign Study Guide

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'You've grown tired in your journey, but I have energy you know. I woke up from this dream grieving in my spirit. In his new book, 'Rock Gets Religion: The Battle for the Soul of the. Life in the Spirit exists to give you a deep understanding of who the Holy Spirit is, how He works in your life and how you can interact with Him on a daily basis. We are entering into a season, the season we have been praying and.

Born a Roman Catholic, I spent the last 20 years disillusioned and resentful of my faith, and searching.Many of us find ourselves searching for something. Most of us cannot tell you what it is, but say that 'if I find it, I will know.' In this book, I think many of you will find that answer. As they say 'The truth will set you free' and you have no idea how wonderful, beautiful and amazing this truth is. This book puts amazing back into grace, and will open your eyes to the true good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has opened up a fountain of blessings into my life and I cannot even begin to tell you how uncredible it is to know, truly know and believe that I am HIS dearly beloved.

No more fear. No more bondage. The truth has set me free and may that same truth bless you and set you free the way it has me, and thousands of others. Have Faith and peace as never before but NOT from your own abilities.the message of Christ that sets the captives free is the one that explains how to STOP looking to yourself and how to let God be God of your life over everything. If you are a Believer that lives under condemnation because you just cant make the mark, join the rest of us who discovered Grace and be set free. This is the book that every christian and want to be christian should own. Joseph answers a lot of questions that church going or non going christians have, and answers them in today's terms, and defines a lot of biblical words.

Destined To Reign By Joseph Prince

He explains that salvation is a gift I never really got this, say your friend Kim gives you a gift you don't try to work to pay for the gift you just accept the gift, just like Jesus gave us the gift of salvation on the cross all we have to do is 'believe' and that is it. Another big issue he brings up is 'condemnation' what it is, and how to not accept it. Another good part is the 'laws' of the old testiment, and when Jesus died on the cross the laws are written to show you how things were prior to Jesus dieing for us, and how people still really live under the 'laws' which are ridgid. Anyway this book is a must have for everyone.

If you struggle like I do with how to testify with others this book will really help you out. If you struggle with a lot of condemnation this book is a whole heck of a lot cheaper than therapy, and a lot more substaining.