Sample Bakery Operations Manual

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Sample Bakery Operations Manual

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.Regulations and legislations Manual Handling Operations 1992 Manual handling means more than just simply lifting or carrying something. The term is used to describe activities including; lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, moving, holding, or restraining an object, animal or person.

This Cargo Agency Conference Resolution Manual (CACRM) includes all amendments adopted at the Cargo Agency Conference. Cargo agency conference resolutions manual.

It also covers activities that require the use of force or effort such as pulling a lever or operating power tools. The employer's duty is to avoid Manual Handling as far as reasonably practicable if there is a possibility of injury.

If this cannot be done then they must reduce the risk of injury as far as reasonably practicable. If an employee is complaining of discomfort, any changes to work to avoid or reduce manual handling must be monitored to check they are having a positive effect.

However, if they are not working satisfactorily, alternatives must be considered. The guidance on the Manual Handling Regulations includes a risk assessment filter and checklist to help employers assess manual handling tasks. A revised version of the MHOR was published in March 2004. It also includes a checklist to help you assess the risks posed by workplace pushing and pulling activities.

In addition, employees have duties to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions. 1.5) Organization Chart of Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad 1.6) Organization Chart of RapidRail Sdn. (Transport department of Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad) 1.7) Background and History 1.7.1) Background of Company (Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad) Incorporated in 1998 by the Ministry of Finance, the Government-owned Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad (Prasarana was set up to facilitate, undertake and expedite public infrastructures projects. Prasarana and its group of companies are also asset-owners and operators of the Ampang and Kelana Jaya light rail transit (LRT) lines, KL Monorail, as well as bus operations in the Klang Valley, Penang and Kuantan. Prasarana undertook a massive corporate restructuring exercise in early 2013, forming four new subsidiaries or strategic business units (SBUs), namely Rapid Rail Sdn Bhd, Prasarana Intergraded Management & Engineering Service Sdn Bhd (PRIME), and Prasarana Integrated Development Sdn Bhd (PRIDE). Under the new set up, the LRT and monorail are operated by Rapid Rail Sdn Bhd; Bus services by Rapid Bus Sdn Bhd; bus services by Rapid Bus Sdn Bhd; management and engineering services by PRIME; and PRIDE is Prasarana’s link to the real estate sector, particularly in transit-oriented development.

RapidKL is the brand name for Prasarana services in Klang Valley. RapidKL operates the.Allow me to start by saying “The Goal” was truly an enjoyable experience in learning the fundamental concepts of operations management.

This was a non-traditional and fun way to gain knowledge. I would have never imagined learning such “operational principles” in an entertaining manner. Bravo Professor Kouvelis for instituting education in creative and informative way. Now, on to the questions at hand 1. Give me the definitions of throughput, inventory and operational expense given in The Goal. How do they compare with the traditional definitions? Do you find them useful, and why?

In the goal Throughput “is the rate at which the system generates money through sales.” Inventory “is all the money that the system has invested in purchasing things which it intends to sell. “ And Operational expense “is all the money the system spends in order to turn inventory into throughput (sales). The key takeaway is looking at theses 3 measures as components of sales (end goal), not productionwhich is the traditional definition. It begs the question, “what good is it to produce something and not sell it?” The goal is not to merely produce but to make money.

Bakery Operations Manual

The Goal’s cements the idea by making a case for managers to focus on the end goal (making money) common sense can be applied to operational management. Give me the definition of a bottleneck operation. Develop your own simple example to demonstrate it to me. Describe two or three. Outline of the report 3 3. Best Bake Operational objectives 4 4.

Conclusion 16 5. References 17 Introduction This report is a case study about aspects of operations management involved in a bakery. The bakery was founded in 1960s.

This is one of the famous bakeries known as Best bake in south of Bangalore. I have analyzed the operations management concepts and also few recommendations done in the necessity areas. As one of the oldest bakeries in the city, Best bake sets high standards to emulate and follow. Variety of bakery products are produced such as wheat loafs, buns, cookies, cakes, pizzas, pies, etc.

The bakery is well equipped with the best and latest machineries such as ovens, biscuit machines, filling injectors, glazing and refrigeration equipment, pie machines, bread moulders, etc. Best bake employs approximately 500 people in 7 outlets. Over 200 of these workers have been with the business for more than 20 years.

Every day approximately more than fifteen thousand products are prepared and.Word Count: 2.386 In our modern market economy, given the dynamic nature of the environment, where competition reaches outstanding levels and variables such as consumer demand are increasingly more difficult to analyze and predict, it all comes to the abilities of managers to keep their companies successful. CEO’s, marketing and operations managers, they all play a vital role in the profitability of their companies, no matter if they are small regional companies or large multinational corporations. Since the start of the economic crisis in 2008, all national economies face difficulties, both in the goods and the financial markets. This is also the case of Romania, which started as one of the most promising emerging economies in the Eastern European area. Now the country is struggling to meet budget deficit targets and pay back IMF loans. Even in these rough conditions, S.C. Marinaden S.R.L.

(Limited Liability - the equivalent of the British Ltd.) remains one of the largest furniture manufacturers and retailers in the country’s Northern region. Ever since this company was started 50 years ago, it succeeded in being one of the top players in the field. The company has two manufactory facilities located at the outskirts of Iasi and Suceava (two of the largest cities in the region), which work around the clock to make sure all demand is met. As points of sale, the company uses more than 10 rented spaces in major cities at the moment, each of them being located.Case: Biddy’s Bakery Chapter 3, Operations Management 1.

Elizabeth’s largest challenge considering her capacity needs, is that she outgrew her first facility’s capacity and then decided to move to a much larger facility where she realized she had considerably more capacity than needed for her business. Elizabeth is essentially paying for a facility she is not utilizing fully; therefore her sales expectations are not being met because of the bills she needs to pay with unused space.

Elizabeth should have researched more into the facility layout before deciding to up and move her business to a new location. With considering this first, she could have accurately decided if the new building was the right fit for the arrangement of resources in the facility to enhance the producing process. The proposal the business students at the university made for Elizabeth might not be the correct structure for her business due to the layout they are proposing involving a repetitive operation design. With a repetitive operation, the product variety is low, the degree of standardization is high, and the throughput time is shorter.

These are all characteristics that would not fit the business for a bakery. Her operation is Intermittent. A bakery is labor-intensive, because of the specialized orders taken by customers that Elizabeth and her business takes pride in.

The workers need to.interior cleaning to cars owned by individuals hopefully for a less price, but with equal quality service provided by other mayor competitors all in a spotless environment with well-trained service representatives who graduated from Minit-Lube U. How does the Minit-Lube operations strategy provide competitive advantage? (Hint: Evaluate how Minit-Lube’s traditional competitors perform the 10 decisions of operations management vs. How Minit-Lube perform them) Answer: Minit-Lube provides a competitive advantage in comparison to other businesses because they offer maintenance to cars, but with the advantage of better prices and faster services than other major car dealerships that can be much more expensive. Minit-Lube is able to provide and be successful with this service by implementing the 10 Operation Management decisions: 1.

Product: Minit-Lube adopted a specializing strategy that focuses on the service task of performing oil changes, lubrication, and interior cleaning, which subsequently allows the development of more focused and efficient operations. Quality Strategy: Because of limited task variety, high repetition, good training and good manuals, quality should be relatively easy to define and maintain. Process Strategy: Minit-Lube processes are streamlined to the support the provided services, allowing the employees and the.